Benefits of permanent makeup

Women and men of all ages are discovering the benefits of permanent brow, eye and lip enhancements that look so natural even their closest friends and family do not realise they have received it. People who benefit from permanent make-up include those:

bullet-point With sparse or no eyebrows or lashes
bullet-point With poor vision or an unsteady hand
bullet-point With allergy to conventional cosmetics
bullet-point With hay fever or watery eyes
bullet-point With busy lifestyles who have no or little time to apply make-up
bullet-point Who are concerned about their appearance and want to look good 24 hours a day
bullet-point Alopecia suffers
bullet-point Loss of definition due to ageing
bullet-point Poorly defined or unsymmetrical features
bullet-point Sport oriented people – no sweating away!
bullet-point Those with oily skin – no smudging away!
bullet-point Post surgical
bullet-point Post chemotherapy / mastectomy
bullet-point Vitiligo sufferers
bullet-point Those with sensitive skin

Cosmetic Services

Permanent Cosmetic Enhancement